From reading my title, you can probably tell what I'll be talking about. I'll be talking about hijab or in other words the "veil". The literal meaning of hijab is to veil, to cover, or to screen. I always get questioned by many curious people on why I wear a hijab and if I was forced to do so. Firstly, stop taking movies seriously. They're are not true and is not in any way, consistent to every Muslim women.There may be a few people who were forced to do so but this is not according to Islam. In the Quran, it says there is no compulsion in Islam (2:256). Meaning if you don't want do something, we won't force you to do it. The majority of Muslim women wear hijab because they chose to. Big difference hm?
Now answering the question "Why do you wear hijab?". Its very simple. There are five main reasons.
1. Our Lord, Allah, legislated that all the believing women to wear a headscarf.
2 We believe that our beauty should only be seen by our husbands. Not every man who walks by you.
3. It frees Muslim women from being seen as a sexual object and instead being valued by our character not our appearance.
4. Its a source of protection from sexual harassment.
5. It gives us, as women, a sense of liberty. The fact that we don't have to conform to the latest fashions around us and choose what we want to wear make us feel independent.
Hopefully this cleared up you're questions about Hijab and why we wear it. Stay tuned for the next post!
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