Saturday, March 15, 2014


When people hear about Muslims, majority of them would think “terrorists”. Its really frustrating how people immediately blame a few people’s mistakes onto everyone else’s backs because they are of the same race,culture or religion. People don’t try to comprehend and grasp whats behind it but instead take the passive way out and accuse and victimize others who are completely innocent. For example, the Boston Marathon on April 15th where two pressure cooker bombs exploded. The suspects were identified later that day as the two Chechen brothers who were coincidentally “Muslims”. Once again, everyone started blaming Muslims and the Muslim community braced itself for another onslaught of anti-Islamic feeling, a burning sentiment that has persisted since 9/11. I am Muslim and I know for a fact that I have never emotionally or physically abused anyone nor have I committed murder. I wouldn’t even hurt a fly because this is all something that is not allowed in Islam. But in some cases there are people who don’t follow the rules of Islam and kill the innocent. Likewise, there are some people who don’t follow the rules in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism ect. It is abominable people like this that that disappoint us because Islam is a religion of peace and tranquility NOT terrorism and hostility.
“Blame is just a lazy person’s way of making sense of chaos.” – Douglas Coupland

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