Saturday, March 15, 2014


Islam is Peace

A Muslim man helping an elderly lady.


When people hear about Muslims, majority of them would think “terrorists”. Its really frustrating how people immediately blame a few people’s mistakes onto everyone else’s backs because they are of the same race,culture or religion. People don’t try to comprehend and grasp whats behind it but instead take the passive way out and accuse and victimize others who are completely innocent. For example, the Boston Marathon on April 15th where two pressure cooker bombs exploded. The suspects were identified later that day as the two Chechen brothers who were coincidentally “Muslims”. Once again, everyone started blaming Muslims and the Muslim community braced itself for another onslaught of anti-Islamic feeling, a burning sentiment that has persisted since 9/11. I am Muslim and I know for a fact that I have never emotionally or physically abused anyone nor have I committed murder. I wouldn’t even hurt a fly because this is all something that is not allowed in Islam. But in some cases there are people who don’t follow the rules of Islam and kill the innocent. Likewise, there are some people who don’t follow the rules in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism ect. It is abominable people like this that that disappoint us because Islam is a religion of peace and tranquility NOT terrorism and hostility.
“Blame is just a lazy person’s way of making sense of chaos.” – Douglas Coupland

Friday, March 14, 2014


Whenever you come across rude people with poor manners, take notes. They're teaching you exactly how NOT to be.


Haha I literally spit out the water I was drinking when I saw this. Its amazing what people come up with when photoshopping pictures. I gotta say though, they look really nice with a hijab on! :D


As soon as you saw this picture you probably thought that it was JUST a burger but if you look closely it a cupcake. I definitely need to make these for my sisters birthday that's coming up soon. Hmm..I wonder how it tastes..


Wow! I came upon this picture and it completely baffled me. A beautiful country that became completely destroyed within 3 years. May Allah make it easy for the people of Syria. Ameen.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


In Islam, we don't discriminate, regardless of religion. Our religion teaches us respect and tolerance. This is evident through the actions of the Prophet Muhammed (may the peace and blessing be upon him).

Good Food = Good Day

So my beautiful mama insisted that I visit this restaurant that just opened and obviously I couldn't decline because there was going to be food..duh! But lets just say, they had some awesome tasting food. Here's a little preview of what I ate. Isn't it visually appealing too?

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There was some delicious dessert too but I totally forgot to take a picture. All my mind was telling me to do was to eat, eat,eat haha.

American, Former Marine & Muslim!

Qoute of the Day

"But I'm not beautiful!"

When you look at the mirror, you notice all your imperfections and flaws. You think that your not worthy of someone's love because your not "beautiful". You need to look a little deeper into the mirror because what you're seeing is not what everyone else sees. Beauty is not viewed the same from one person to the other. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What might be considered ugly to one person can be very beautiful for the other. We all have different definitions of beauty. Just love yourself and you'll find someone who loves you and every one of your little imperfection.You will find someone who sees you as beautiful and appreciates you for who you are. 

- To my dear friend who thinks "shes not beautiful" and to everyone else who thinks they're not beautiful as well.


I've been asked by so many friends and relatives "Which university are you going to go to?","What are you going to do?", "Are you going to follow you're sister?", "When are you going to get married?". These questions are so overwhelming because I don't know what I want to do in the future. I still have a whole year and half until I go to university and marriage is definitely happening any sooner. My sister attends a university in Egypt getting a BA in Islamic studies and although I love my religion and do want learn it in a much further depth, its definitely not something I want to be doing for 4 years. I guess I'll know what I what I want too do next year. -fingers crossed-

The best way to predict the future is to create it - Peter Drucker

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Please spare a few minutes and watch this! It truly makes you think.


I recently got my "practice test" henna done by a family friend & I wanted to show you guys. Isn't it beautiful?

For those who don't know, Henna is a temporary dye that people use to design their hands, feet and different parts of their body. You can say its kind of like a tattoo.

Inspiration of the Day!

The Types of Hijab

There are many different forms of veils that Muslim women choose to wear. It is the Hijab, Jilbaab, Niqab and Burqa.


Covers head, neck & ears.


Full body cloak covers head, ears, chest ect.


Veil that covers the face except for the eyes.


Covers entire body with only mesh grille to see through.

"Hey, were you forced to cover your hair?"

From reading my title, you can probably tell what I'll be talking about. I'll be talking about hijab or in other words the "veil". The literal meaning of hijab is to veil, to cover, or to screen. I always get questioned by many curious people on why I wear a hijab and if I was forced to do so. Firstly, stop taking movies seriously. They're are not true and is not in any way, consistent to every Muslim women.There may be a few people who were forced to do so but this is not according to Islam. In the Quran, it says there is no compulsion in Islam (2:256). Meaning if you don't want do something, we won't force you to do it. The majority of Muslim women wear hijab because they chose to. Big difference hm?

Now answering the question "Why do you wear hijab?". Its very simple. There are five main reasons.

1.  Our Lord, Allah, legislated that all the believing women to wear a headscarf.
2 We believe that our beauty should only be seen by our husbands. Not every man who walks by you.
3. It frees Muslim women from being seen as a sexual object and instead being valued by our character not our appearance.
4.  Its a source of protection from sexual harassment.
5. It gives us, as women, a sense of liberty. The fact that we don't have to conform to the latest fashions around us and choose what we want to wear make us feel independent.

Hopefully this cleared up you're questions about Hijab and why we wear it. Stay tuned for the next post!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

About Me

Here is a little about me so you can get a little idea of who's behind this blog. Of course I can't give too much details away because of privacy reasons.

Age: 17
Country: Canada
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Swimming, martial arts, writing & travelling
Favorite Books: Hunger Games series & every one of John Green's novels.
Favorite Color: Green
Passion: World Peace & Justice
Dislikes: Backbiters
Likes: Sweets

Hello fellow bloggers!

Yaaay! So this is my first post for my first blog and I'm very excited. As some of you may be wondering..why did I make this blog? Well, first and foremost, its because I love writing. Alot. And I've wanted to start a blog for so long but I've been busy..ok I've been really lazy *sigh*. But now, I've finally decided to start.

The second reason I made this blog is to clear misconceptions about Islam and Muslims. There are many people who are uneducated and unaware of Islam and what it means. Words like Hijab, Jihad, Terrorism ect trigger a fear and hate in many people because of what the media (which is made up of 99% lies) has told them. I am here to clear them up and show people what Islam really means.

The third reason is to just ramble about things like fashion,food, makeup, school ect. Lets just say my blog will be pretty much about everything with a little more focus on Islam.

Feel free to comment and express you're views. I won't judge or bite.